What anxiety can feel like

June 30, 2023

This is my first and probably my most personal posts. But it is something I wanted to talk about for a while and since I’ve been awake from 4am with anxiety, I thought it was the best time.

I speak to my clients a lot about all different things and they talk to me. Recently when chatting to a regular client who I have known for quite some good years she commented “When I first met you I was going through a really tough time with my mental health, so I was so anxious to start coming to you, but immediately when I told you what I had been going through, you put me at ease by saying you had similar mental health, so I would not go anywhere else.”

That gave me such a boost to know that I had put her at ease on her very first appointment by explaining my own mental health, and I am pretty much an open book, so I am sure my clients already know all about the worries I have.

In no way I am a trained counselor or psychiatrist but I can relay my own experiences to relate to you.

My anxiety is something crippling where I want to cancel all my appointments and shut away from the world, but I know that everyday I go to work and I go outside is a win and that is my plan today. My plan to win against anxiety.

So if you are feeling anxious before your appointment, whether you are a new client, or a regular client, know that I am probably feeling exactly the same way.